Discover the Beauty of Volcanic National Park Lanzarote

Dec 30, 2023

The Natural Wonder of Lanzarote

Nestled in the Canary Islands, Lanzarote is a hidden gem known for its astonishing natural landscapes. One of the island's most captivating attractions is the Volcanic National Park, a testament to the island's volcanic past and present. With its awe-inspiring sights and unique geological features, the park has become a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.

Unveiling the Volcanic National Park

The Volcanic National Park in Lanzarote spans over 50 square kilometers and showcases a mesmerizing terrain that was shaped by volcanic eruptions between 1730 and 1736. This UNESCO Biosphere Reserve features a diverse range of volcanic formations, exquisite lava fields, and intriguing rock formations.

Exquisite Landscapes

Prepare to be captivated by the park's surreal landscapes. As you explore, you'll be surrounded by rugged volcanic mountains, such as the famous Montañas del Fuego (Fire Mountains). With their red and black tones, these volcanic peaks create a striking contrast against the blue sky. Witnessing this unique blend of colors is a truly unforgettable experience.

Timanfaya, a Volcanic Wonderland

The heart of the Volcanic National Park lies in Timanfaya, an area that encapsulates the true essence of Lanzarote's volcanic beauty. Here, you'll find breathtaking volcanic cones, vast lava fields, and intriguing geothermal demonstrations that showcase the earth's fiery forces.

One of the highlights is the Timanfaya Visitor Center, which offers comprehensive information and interactive displays about the geology and history of the park. Take a guided tour to fully immerse yourself in this otherworldly environment and learn from knowledgeable guides who share fascinating insights into this volcanic wonderland.

Activities and Exploration

There are plenty of ways to explore and embrace the wonders of the Volcanic National Park in Lanzarote. Whether you prefer a leisurely stroll, an adventurous hike, or a thrilling volcanic tour, the park offers something for everyone.

Hiking Trails and Guided Walks

Put on your walking shoes and discover the park's well-marked hiking trails. From short walks suitable for families to more challenging hikes for experienced trekkers, the park provides a variety of options to suit all fitness levels. With each step, you'll admire the dramatic landscapes and encounter unique flora and fauna that have adapted to this extreme environment.

Volcanic Tours and Camel Rides

For a truly immersive experience, consider embarking on a volcanic tour. These guided tours take you deep into the heart of the park, where you'll witness steaming craters and learn about the volcanic activity that has shaped the island. You can even take a camel ride through the park's volcanic terrain, adding an element of excitement to your exploration.

Exploring the Underground Caves

Beneath the surface of the park lies a hidden world of volcanic caves. These unique underground formations were created as lava cooled and solidified, forming intricate tunnels that stretch for miles. Embark on a guided cave exploration and marvel at the magical formations, ancient lava flows, and fascinating rock sculptures.

Booking Last Minute Transportation

When visiting the Volcanic National Park Lanzarote, it's essential to ensure convenient and reliable transportation. Last Minute Transfer, a trusted transportation service provider, offers a range of options to meet your needs and make your journey hassle-free.

Travel Agents and Expert Planning

With Last Minute Transfer's network of experienced travel agents, you can rest assured that your trip to the Volcanic National Park will be well-planned and filled with unforgettable experiences. Their expert knowledge of the island and its attractions allows them to create personalized itineraries that cater to your preferences and interests.

Airport Shuttles and Comfortable Transfers

Arriving at Lanzarote Airport? Last Minute Transfer offers convenient airport shuttle services, ensuring a smooth and comfortable journey from the moment you touch down. Their professional drivers will greet you at the airport and provide a seamless transfer to your accommodation or directly to the Volcanic National Park.

Private Tours and Tailored Experiences

If you prefer a more exclusive experience, Last Minute Transfer offers private tours tailored to your interests. Their knowledgeable guides will accompany you throughout the journey, providing insights into the island's history, geology, and culture. Effortlessly explore the Volcanic National Park and create lasting memories.


In the heart of Lanzarote lies the breathtaking Volcanic National Park, a testament to the island's volcanic heritage. With its striking landscapes, extensive hiking trails, and unique volcanic formations, the park enthralls visitors from around the world. Discover the wonders of this natural marvel and embark on an unforgettable journey through Lanzarote's volcanic past. Book your transportation with Last Minute Transfer, the leading travel agency providing reliable airport shuttles and transportation services, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience. Embrace the beauty of Volcanic National Park Lanzarote and create memories that will last a lifetime.